Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lady Gaga: A Visionary or Next Best Thing?

A Hollywood buzz lately has been Lady Gaga's obscene and rather potent fashion trends. Like Madonna, for Gaga's moment in the spotlight she has made a name for herself all around the world. From her utmost famous bubble dress to her nude leotards and blazer attire she is turning heads in every corner of Tinseltown. Most recently in the Gaga world, the bi-sexual Lady Gaga was seen at the National Equity March, calling President Obama out on a podium in Washington D.C. in regards to Gay and Lesbian civil rights. As the artist screamed out to the president, "ARE YOU LISTENING?" She firmly proposed her opinions and thoughts for the quiet gays of America. Her speech was then concluded by a talented performance of John Lennon's "Imagine."

Question is that is Lady Gaga a visionary or simply the next big thing? In accordance to the Billboard Hot 100, Gaga has had more album and concert sales than any other artist in the mainstream music world.

In my opinion, Gaga is a visionary. Her respect for high couture fashion in the artsy-fartsy world of France and New York City is impressive yet her music is just as contemplating. Her risky videos and impromptu clothing choices make her marketable and recognizable in every household. The test of time will be Ms. Gaga's largest challenge but as a fan I'm sure we will all be wanting more of her and her music as the years to come.

Check out her latest video here...

Catch you all in my next post...

With Love,

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